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Look at my breasts. Look at what you did to them. This is exactly what I wanted. This is also what you wanted. The sooner you accept that, the better off you’ll be.”“I just ... it’s...”“Yesterday, I told you that one of the only things that wasn’t okay was that I was going to be ugly. I wasn’t worried that I was going to be ugly, I meant that you would think I was ugly. In other words, exactly what you’re thinking right now. I want you to think the exact opposite. I want you to look at me exactly as I am, wearing every single mark and bruise you gave me, and think I’m beautiful. Because I certainly do.”It took well over a half hour for Luke to endure a full survey of her body. Again and again Kathryn had to talk him down from an apologetic ledge, assuring him that despite her pain — both visible and invisible — she was blissfully content with her condition. The horizontal stripes across her stomach, thighs, and back particularly stood out, because unlike damage he’d done elsewhere,. The space where Celeste’s heart should be ripped open, smattering the young man with mildew and shredded cement. Alyssa’s fingers still probed further, squeezing the underside of the statue’s breast before searching along the divide between them. The jagged edges between the torn statue and the couple held Celeste in a knifing embrace. My chance. My only chance.But Lord, not her!Suction. Fire at the edges of her ragged chasm, the vortex where insects and dirt and debris were being pulled from the swirling air. The couple’s faces trembled, pulling at the edges of their eyes and mouth.“Come to me.” Alyssa’s voice was small, a whisper in a hurricane. But the layers inside it, in her blood and bones… “May you rest, never in peace.”The young man’s soul dwindled, dim brain dimmer, but his body burned for more. From his impressive cock to his powerful legs and broad chest. Then Celeste felt it. The wetness between them. The orgasm they ignited between her molded thighs like.
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